'' I didn't alter any email Sir''
said Lucy Allan MP on 21/4/16 - hear her astonishing denial in this video
This video has been made by Telford residents and it tells the story of Lucy Allan's doctoring of the email sent by Telford resident Adam Watling including how she added the words 'Unless you die' to the email before publishing it on her facebook page on 1st December 2015.
Many people have interpreted Lucy Allan's actions as amounting to faking a death threat. She denies this and claims that the words 'Unless you die' came from a separate email, but she has never published that email or explained why she cannot publish it.
My own view is that, based on the evidence, there is no separate 'Unless you die' email and I believe that Lucy Allan made up these words herself and added them to her constituent's email to try and gain public sympathy by making it appear that a Telford resident wished her dead. I therefore believe that Lucy Allan has still not given an open and full account of the 'Unless you die' email to the public and to the media.
This video features Lucy Allan being interviewed on camera about the 'Unless you die' email as she attended the Queen's birthday celebrations in Telford (about 11:20 mins into the video). Her response is simply astonishing as she now denies making any alterations to Adam Watling's email.
The full extent of the changes made to Adam Watling's email before it was posted on Lucy Allan's facebook page is graphically demonstrated here . It shows substantial changes, radically altering the tone and content of the email, making it appear as if a Telford resident wished Lucy Allan dead. As well as the obvious alterations, look out for the subtle changes which have the effect of making the email look more of a personal attack on Lucy Allan.
Other people who you see in this film are Adam Watling ( the victim of Lucy Allan's doctored email) and three other Telford residents, including myself. We give our account of how we tried to get a simple answer from Lucy Allan to a simple question - ''Why won't you publish the 'Unless you die' email ?''
The interviewer in the video is Alistair Mitchell who I believe is the first person to succeed in questioning Lucy Allan about the doctored email on camera.
In my view Lucy Allan should now give a further statement, which is a truthful explanation of the 'Unless you die' email, and resign.
Neil Phillips