Tuesday, 5 January 2016
How to Complain to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
If you wish to complain about Lucy Allan's conduct to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards here is a simple guide.
1. You need to send your complaint by post to the following address:
Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA
(Although emails sent to standardscommissioner@parliament.uk will be read, a complaint sent by post will be required if a complaint is to be investigated and so I would recommend a complaint by post is sent from the start)
2. Make sure your complaint shows your name and address and sign it.
3. If you believe it to be the case, explain that you wish to make a complaint against Lucy Allan MP for breach of paragraph 16 of the Code of Conduct:
'Members shall never undertake any action which would cause significant damage to the reputation and integrity of the House of Commons as a whole, or of its Members generally.'
4. Explain your reasons why you feel Lucy Allan has breached paragraph 16 of the Code of Conduct,
ie it is not enough to argue that the MP has done wrong, you need to argue that her conduct has damaged the reputation and integrity of MPs generally.
eg. You might feel strongly about the 'faked death threat' where Lucy Allan added the words 'Unless you die' and you might feel that she has failed to provide any evidence to support her claim that those words came from a separate anonymous email she says she received on 27th November 2015 because she has so far failed to publish that email.
5. Enclose evidence to support your claim - eg copies of press cuttings, copies of online media articles
6. Be prepared to be disappointed as only a small percentage of complaints are considered worthy of investigation but do not let this deter you. Nothing ventured nothing gained !
For further reference
House of Commons - The Code of Conduct
Guidance notes on the complaints process