Friday, 15 January 2016

The shocking email I received from my MP Lucy Allan

For the full email exchange with Lucy Allan see my new post here

At 7.21pm last night my MP Lucy Allan sent me an email.  I just want to repeat that I am a Telford resident and until now I have always voted for the Conservative Party (never again after this!)

I believe that she must have read my comments on social media that I was going to contact her next week if I did not receive a response to my email seeking clarification on the unpublished 'Unless you die' email. The idea of contacting her to arrange a surgery appointment actually came from the Telford and Wrekin Conservatives yesterday when they politely responded to my concerns on Facebook.

She is clearly trying to stop me asking her any further about the ‘Unless you die’ email that she will not publish.

Just to let you know that I was so shocked by receiving this email that I went to the police today. They advised me that I need not be concerned as it was not a police matter as Lucy Allan had made no complaint against me. They suggested that I do not contact Lucy Allan again and perhaps I could see a lawyer regarding possible defamation. I won’t be contacting Lucy Allan again, even though she is my MP and she is supposed to be accessible. I won’t be concerned about defamation at this stage unless Lucy Allan herself publishes something defamatory. I want you to see this email for the sake of transparency and openness.

I also intend to write to the Conservative Party HQ to make them aware of how their Telford MP is behaving.

I should add that I have never phoned either of Lucy Allan’s offices and the contact that Lucy Allan is so clearly objecting can only be the emails that I have published via social media and this blog, challenging her on the existence or otherwise of the ‘Unless you die’ email. My first email to her on this subject was only as recently as 12th December 2015.

Here is the email from Lucy Allan.

‘Dear Mr Phillips

‘I am writing to ask that you do not continue to contact my office.

My staff in both London and Telford have expressed concerns about your conduct. They have felt unsettled by your behaviour over a considerable period. It is appearing obsessive in both its frequency, nature and tone. It has been described as 'stalking.'

I have a responsibility to my staff to ensure their wellbeing at work. There is no requirement for them to accept repeatedly unreasonable conduct from residents on such a regular basis. Whilst they are experienced and very professional in dealing with unhappy and angry residents, with empathy and consideration, your behaviour has gone well beyond that. It is unacceptable. 

You are the first Telford resident whom I have had to ask not to contact my office. I have 75,000 constituents to whom I seek to provide a quality service. Your conduct is preventing those with genuine needs and concerns from receiving help and support from their MP.

Any further contact will be considered to be harassment. 

Yours sincerely

Lucy Allan

Lucy Allan MP'